Design and Simulated Performance of Calorimetry Systems for the ECCE Detector at the Electron Ion Collider

F. Bock,N. Schmidt,P.K. Wang,N. Santiesteban,T. Horn,Jiajun Huang,J. Lajoie,C. Muñoz Camacho,J.K. Adkins,Y. Akiba,Ayman Al-Bataineh,M. Amaryan,I.C. Arsene,C. Ayerbe Gayoso,J. Bae, S. Das,M.D. Baker,M. Bashkanov,R. Bellwied,F. Benmokhtar,V. Berdnikov,J. C. Bernauer,W. Boeglin,M. Borysova,E. Brash,P. Brindza,W.J. Briscoe,M. Brooks,S. Bueltmann,M.H.S. Bukhari,Alexander Bylinkin,R. Capobianco,W.-C. Chang,Y. Cheon,K. Chen,K.-F. Chen,K.-Y. Cheng,M. Chiu,T. Chujo,Z. Citron,E. Cline,E.R. Cohen,T. Cormier,Y. Corrales Morales,C. Cotton,J. Crafts,C. Crawford,S. Creekmore,C. Cuevas,J. D. Cunningham,G. David,Cameron Thomas Dean,M. Demarteau,Stefan Diehl,N. Doshita,R. Dupre, J.M. Durham,R. Dzhygadlo,R. Ehlers,L. El Fassi,A. Emmert,R. Ent,C. Fanelli,R. Fatemi,S. Fegan,M. Finger,J. Frantz,M. Friedman,I. Friscic,D. Gangadharan,S. Gardner,K. Gates,F. Geurts,R. Gilman,D. I. Glazier,E. Glimos,Y. Goto, N. Grau,S.V. Greene,A.Q. Guo,Likai Guo,Seungkyu Ha,J. Haggerty,T. Hayward, Xiao Cong He,O. Hen,D.W. Higinbotham,M. Hoballah,A. Hoghmrtsyan,P.-H.J. Hsu,G. Huber,A. Hutson, K.Y. Hwang,C.E. Hyde,M. Inaba,Toshiya Iwata,H. S. Jo,K. Joo,N. Kalantarians,G. Kalicy,K. Kawade,S.J.D. Kay,A. Kim,B. Kim,C. Kim,M. Kim,Y. Kim,E. Kistenev,V. Klimenko,Sanghyun Ko,I. Korover,W. Korsch,Georgios Krintiras,S. E. Kuhn,C.-M. Kuo,T. Kutz,D. Lawrence,S. Lebedev,H. Lee,J.S.H. Lee,S.W. Lee,Y.-J. Lee,W. Li,W.B. Li,X. Li,Y. T. Liang,S. Lim,C.-H. Lin,D.X. Lin,K. Liu,M.X. Liu,K. Livingston, N. Liyanage,W. J. Llope,C. Loizides,E. Long,R.-S. Lu,Z. Lu,W. Lynch,Sonny Mantry,D. Marchand,M. Marcisovsky,C. Markert,P. Markowitz,H. Marukyan,P. L. McGaughey,M. Mihovilovic,R. Milner,A. Milov,Y. Miyachi,A. Mkrtchyan,P. Monaghan,R. Montgomery,D. Morrison,A. Movsisyan,H. Mkrtchyan,M. Murray,K. Nagai,James Lawrence Nagle,I. Nakagawa,C. Nattrass,D. Nguyen,S. Niccolai,R. Nouicer,G. Nukazuka,M. Nycz,V. Okorokov,S. Oresic,Joseph Daniel Osborn,C.O’. Shaughnessy,S. Paganis,Z. Papandreou,S. F. Pate,M. Patel,C. Paus,G. Penman,M. Grosse Perdekamp,D.V. Perepelitsa,H. Periera da Costa,K. Peters,W. Phelps,E. Piasetzky,C. Pinkenburg,I. Prochazka,T. Protzman,M. L. Purschke,J. Putschke,J.R. Pybus,R. Rajput-Ghoshal,J. Rasson,B. Raue,K.F. Read,K. Røed,R. Reed,J. Reinhold,E.L. Renner,J. Richards,C. Riedl,T. Rinn,J. Roche,G.M. Roland,G. Ron,M. Rosati,C. Royon,J. Ryu,Sevil Salur,R. Santos,M. Sarsour, J. Schambach,A. Schmidt,C. Schwarz,J. Schwiening,R. Seidl,A. Sickles,P. Simmerling,S. Sirca,D. Sharma,Zhènglì Shí,T.-A. Shibata,C.-W. Shih,S. Shimizu,U. Shrestha,K. Slifer,K. Smith,D. Sokhan,R. Soltz,W. Sondheim,J. Song,I.I. Strakovsky,P. Steinberg,P. Stepanov,J. Stevens,J. Strube,P. Sun,Xiaoyang Sun,K. Suresh,V. Tadevosyan,W.-C. Tang,S. Tapia Araya,S. Tarafdar,L. Teodorescu,D. Thomas, Anthony Robert Timmins,L. Tomasek,N. Trotta,R. Trotta,T.S. Tveter,E. Umaka,A. Usman,H.W. van Hecke,C. Van Hulse,J. Velkovska,E. Voutier,Q. Wang,Y. Wang,D. P. Watts,N. Wickramaarachchi,L. Weinstein,M. Williams,Cheuk Ping Wong,L. Wood,M. H. Wood,C. Woody,B. Wyslouch,Xiao Zhang,Y. Yamazaki,Youhua Yang,Z. Ye,H. D. Yoo,M. Yurov,N. Zachariou,W.A. Zajc,W. Zha,J. Zhang,J.-X. Zhang, Y. Zhang,Y. X. Zhao,X. Zheng,P. Zhuang

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2023)

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We describe the design and performance the calorimeter systems used in the ECCE detector to achieve the overall performance specifications cost-effectively with careful consideration of appropriate technical and schedule risks. The calorimeter systems consist of three electromagnetic calorimeters, covering the combined pseudorapidity range from −3.7 to 3.8 and two hadronic calorimeters covering a combined range of −1.1<η<3.8. Key calorimeter performances which include energy and position resolutions, reconstruction efficiency, and particle identification will be presented.
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