X-ray Tests of the ATHENA Mirror Modules in BEaTriX: from Design to Reality
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022 Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray(2022)
The BEaTriX (Beam Expander Testing X-ray) facility is now operative at the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Brera (Merate, Italy). This facility has been specifically designed and built for the X-ray acceptance tests (PSF and Effective Area) of the ATHENA Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) Mirror Modules (MM). The unique setup creates a parallel, monochromatic, large X-ray beam, that fully illuminates the aperture of the MMs, generating an image at the ATHENA focal length of 12 m. This is made possible by a microfocus X-ray source followed by a chain of optical components (a paraboloidal mirror, 2 channel cut monochromators, and an asymmetric silicon crystal) able to expand the X-ray beam to a 6 cm x 17 cm size with a residual divergence of 1.5 arcsec (vertical) x 2.5 arcsec (horizontal). This paper reports the commissioning of the 4.5 keV beam line, and the first light obtained with a Mirror Module.
BEaTriX,ATHENA,X-ray testing,X-ray microfocus source,beam expander,asymmetric diffraction,crystals,Silicon Pore Optics
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