The Angers CT Score is a Risk Factor for the Failure of the Conservative Management of Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Prospective Observational Multicentric Study Paisant Anita , Burgmaier Jeanne , Calame Paul , Loison Mélanie , Molière Sébastien , Brigand Cécile , Belabbas Dihia , Duchalais Emilie , Regimbeau Jean-Marc , Yzet Thierry , Alves Arnaud , Fohlen Audrey , Bergeat Damien , Vauclair Estelle , Pellegrini Julie , Ragot Emilia , Lansier Alexandre , Abet Emeric , Nevot Alexandre , Rousset Pascal , Ouaissi Mehdi , Besson Marie , Ronot Maxime , Giacca Massimo , Girard Edouard , Tessier Yann , Massalou Damien , Poirier Florent , Lakkis Zaher , Aubé Christophe , Hamel Jean Francois , Passot Guillaume , Venara Aurélien World Journal of Surgery(2023)
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