The amphibian invitrome: Past, present, and future contributions to our understanding of amphibian immunity

Developmental and comparative immunology(2023)

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Many amphibian populations are declining worldwide, and infectious diseases are a leading cause. Given the eminent threat infectious diseases pose to amphibian populations, there is a need to understand the host-pathogen-environment interactions that govern amphibian susceptibility to disease and mortality events. However, using animals in research raises an ethical dilemma, which is magnified by the alarming rates at which many amphibian populations are declining. Thus, in vitro study systems such as cell lines represent valuable tools for furthering our understanding of amphibian immune systems. In this review, we curate a list of the amphibian cell lines established to date (the amphibian invitrome), highlight how research using amphibian cell lines has advanced our understanding of the amphibian immune system, anti-ranaviral defence mechanisms, and Batra-chochytrium dendrobatidis replication in host cells, and offer our perspective on how future use of amphibian cell lines can advance the field of amphibian immunology.
Amphibians,Cell lines,Immune response,Ranaviruses,Frog virus 3,Chytridiomycosis
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