Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of the Chimpanzee Adenovirus Type 3-Vectored Marburg Virus (Cad3-Marburg) Vaccine in Healthy Adults in the USA: a First-in-human, Phase 1, Open-Label, Dose-Escalation Trial Melinda J. Hamer , Katherine Houser , Amelia R. Hofstetter , Ana M. Ortega-Villa , Christine Lee , Anne Preston , Brooke Augustine , Charla Andrews , Galina Yamshchikov , Somia Hickman , Steven Schech , Jack N. Hutter , Paul T. Scott , Paige E. Waterman , Mihret F. Amare , Victoria Kioko , Casey Storme , Kayvon Modjarrad , Melanie D. McCauley , Merlin L. Robb , Martin R. Gaudinski , Ingelise J. Gordon , LaSonji A. Holman , Alicia T. Widge , Larisa Strom , Myra Happe , Josephine H. Cox , Sandra Vazquez , Daphne A. Stanley , Tamar Murray , Caitlyn N. M. Dulan , Ruth Hunegnaw , Sandeep R. Narpala , Phillip A. Swanson II , Manjula Basappa , Jagada Thillainathan , Marcelino Padilla , Britta Flach , Sarah O'Connell , Olga Trofymenko , Patricia Morgan , Emily E. Coates , Jason G. Gall , Adrian B. McDermott , Richard A. Koup , John R. Mascola , Aurelie Ploquin , Nancy J. Sullivan , Julie A. Ake , Julie E. Ledgerwood LANCET(2023)
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