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The Analytical Method Algorithm for Trigger Primitives Generation at the LHC Drift Tubes Detector

G. Abbiendi,J. Alcaraz Maestre,A. Alvarez Fernandez,B. Alvarez Gonzalez,N. Amapane,I. Bachiller,L. Barcellan,C. Baldanza,C. Battilana,M. Bellato,G. Bencze,M. Benettoni,N. Beni,A. Benvenuti,A. Bergnoli,L. C. Blanco Ramos,L. Borgonovi,A. Bragagnolo,V. Cafaro,A. Calderon,E. Calvo,R. Carlin,C. A. Carrillo Montoya,F. R. Cavallo,J. M. Cela Ruiz,M. Cepeda,M. Cerrada,P. Checchia,L. Ciano,N. Colino,D. Corti,G. Cotto,A. Crupano, S. Cuadrado Calzada,J. Cuevas,M. Cuffiani,G. M. Dallavalle,D. Dattola,B. De La Cruz, C. I. de Lara Rodriguez,P. De Remigis,C. Erice Cid,D. Eliseev,F. Fabbri,A. Fanfani,D. Fasanella,C. F. Bedoya,J. F. de Troconiz, D. Fernandez del Val,J. Fernandez Menéndez,J. P. Fernandez Ramos,S. Folgueras,M. C. Fouz,D. Francia Ferrero,J. Garcia Romero,F. Gasparini,U. Gasparini,V. Giordano,F. Gonella,I. Gonzalez Caballero,J. R. Gonzalez Fernandez,O. Gonzalez Lopez,S. Goy Lopez,A. Gozzelino,A. Griggio,G. Grosso,C. Guandalini,L. Guiducci,M. Gulmini,T. Hebbeker,K. Hoepfner,R. Isocrate,M. I. Josa,B. Kiani,J. Leon Holgado,S. Lo Meo,E. Lusiani,L. Lunerti,S. Marcellini,M. Margoni,C. Mariotti, Martin,J. J. Martinez Morales,S. Maselli,G. Masetti,A. T. Meneguzzo,M. Merschmeyer,M. Migliorini,L. Modenese,J. Molnar,F. Montecassiano,J. Mora Martinez,D. Moran,S. Mukherjee,J. J. Navarrete,F. Navarria,A. Navarro Tobar,F. Nowotny,E. Palencia Cortezon,M. Passaseo,J. Pazzini,M. Pelliccioni,A. Perrotta,B. Philipps,J. Piedra Gomez,F. Primavera,J. Puerta Pelayo,J. C. Puras Sanchez,C. Ramon Alvarez,I. Redondo,D. D. Redondo Ferrero,H. Reithler,R. Reyes-Almanza,V. Rodriguez Bouza,P. Ronchese,A. M. Rossi,R. Rossin,F. Rotondo,T. Rovelli,S. Sanchez Cruz,S. Sanchez Navas,J. Sastre,A. Sharma,F. Simonetto,A. Soto Rodriguez,A. Staiano,Z. Szillasi, D. F. Teyssier,N. Toniolo,G. Torromeo,A. Trapote,N. Trevisani,A. Triossi,D. Trocino,B. Ujvari,G. Umoret,L. Urda Gomez, B. Uwe,S. Ventura,C. Vico Villalba,S. Wiedenbeck,M. Zanetti,F. P. Zantis,G. Zilizi,P. Zotto,A. Zucchetta

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment(2023)

Cited 3|Views59
Key words
High luminosity LHC,Compact Muon Solenoid,Drift Tubes,Trigger primitives
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