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Diversity and Phylogeography of Begomoviruses and DNA Satellites Associated with the Leaf Curl and Mosaic Disease Complex of Eggplant


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Eggplant,Tomato leaf Karnataka virus (ToLCKV) tomato leaf curl palampur virus (ToLCPalV),Chilli leaf curl virus (ChLCuV) tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV),Tomato leaf curl joydebpur virus (ToLCJV),Pepper leaf curl Pakistan virus (PepLCPKV),Chilli leaf curl Sri Lanka virus (ChiLCSLV),Chilli leaf curl ahmedabad virus (ChiLCAV),Chilli leaf curl bhavanisagar virus-(ChiLCBV),Ageratum enation betasatellite (AEV),PCR,Phylogenic analysis
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