Evaluating the Effectiveness of Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Genome Sequencing in Supporting Infection Control Teams: the COG-UK Hospital-Onset COVID-19 Infection Study Oliver Stirrup , James Blackstone , Fiona Mapp , Alyson MacNeil , Monica Panca , Alison Holmes , Nicholas Machin , Gee Yen Shin , Tabitha Mahungu , Kordo Saeed , Tranprit Saluja , Yusri Taha , Nikunj Mahida , Cassie Pope , Anu Chawla , Maria-Teresa Cutino-Moguel , Asif Tamuri , Rachel Williams , Alistair Darby , David Robertson , Flavia Flaviani , Eleni Nastouli , Samuel Robson , Darren Smith , Matthew Loose , Kenneth Laing , Irene Monahan , Beatrix Kele , Sam Haldenby , Ryan George , Matthew Bashton , Adam Witney , Matthew Byott , Francesc Coll , Michael Chapman , Sharon Peacock , COG-UK HOCI Investigators , The COVID-1 Genomics UK (COG-UK) consortium , Joseph Hughes , Gaia Nebbia , David G Partridge , Matthew Parker , James Price , Christine Peters , Sunando Roy , Luke B Snell , Thushan I de Silva , Emma Thomson , Paul Flowers , Andrew Copas , Judith Breuer medrxiv(2022)
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Viral Transmission
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