Author Correction: Structural Evidence for Intermediates During O 2 Formation in Photosystem II


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In natural photosynthesis, the light-driven splitting of water into electrons, protons and molecular oxygen forms the first step of the solar-to-chemical energy conversion process. The reaction takes place in photosystem II, where the Mn 4 CaO 5 cluster first stores four oxidizing equivalents, the S 0 to S 4 intermediate states in the Kok cycle, sequentially generated by photochemical charge separations in the reaction center and then catalyzes the O–O bond formation chemistry 1 – 3 . Here, we report room temperature snapshots by serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography to provide structural insights into the final reaction step of Kok’s photosynthetic water oxidation cycle, the S 3 →[S 4 ]→S 0 transition where O 2 is formed and Kok’s water oxidation clock is reset. Our data reveal a complex sequence of events, which occur over micro- to milliseconds, comprising changes at the Mn 4 CaO 5 cluster, its ligands and water pathways as well as controlled proton release through the hydrogen-bonding network of the Cl1 channel. Importantly, the extra O atom O x , which was introduced as a bridging ligand between Ca and Mn1 during the S 2 →S 3 transition 4 – 6 , disappears or relocates in parallel with Y z reduction starting at approximately 700 μs after the third flash. The onset of O 2 evolution, as indicated by the shortening of the Mn1–Mn4 distance, occurs at around 1,200 μs, signifying the presence of a reduced intermediate, possibly a bound peroxide.
Photosystem II,Photosynthetic Acclimation,Photosynthesis
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