K *0 and φ meson production in proton–nucleus interactions at √(s)=41.6GeV

I. Abt,M. Adams,M. Agari,H. Albrecht,A. Aleksandrov,V. Amaral,A. Amorim,S.J. Aplin,V. Aushev,Y. Bagaturia,V. Balagura,M. Bargiotti,O. Barsukova,J. Bastos,J. Batista,C. Bauer,T.S. Bauer, A. Belkov, A. Belkov,I. Belotelov,A. Bertin,B. Bobchenko,M. Böcker, A. Bogatyrev,G. Bohm,M. Bräuer,M. Bruinsma,M. Bruschi,P. Buchholz, T. Buran,J. Carvalho, P. Conde,C. Cruse,M. Dam,K.M. Danielsen,M. Danilov,S. De Castro,H. Deppe,X. Dong,H.B. Dreis,V. Egorytchev,K. Ehret,F. Eisele,D. Emeliyanov,S. Essenov,L. Fabbri,P. Faccioli,M. Feuerstack-Raible,J. Flammer,B. Fominykh,M. Funcke,L. Garrido,A. Gellrich,B. Giacobbe,J. Gläß,D. Goloubkov,Y. Golubkov,A. Golutvin,I. Golutvin,I. Gorbounov,A. Gorišek,O. Gouchtchine,D.C. Goulart, S. Gradl,W. Gradl,F. Grimaldi,J. Groth-Jensen,Y. Guilitsky,J.D. Hansen,J.M. Hernández,W. Hofmann,M. Hohlmann,T. Hott,W. Hulsbergen,U. Husemann,O. Igonkina,M. Ispiryan,T. Jagla,C. Jiang,H. Kapitza,S. Karabekyan,N. Karpenko,S. Keller,J. Kessler,F. Khasanov,Y. Kiryushin,I. Kisel,E. Klinkby,K.T. Knöpfle,H. Kolanoski,S. Korpar,C. Krauss,P. Kreuzer,P. Križan,D. Krücker,S. Kupper,T. Kvaratskheliia,A. Lanyov,K. Lau,B. Lewendel,T. Lohse,B. Lomonosov,R. Männer,R. Mankel,S. Masciocchi,I. Massa,I. Matchikhilian,G. Medin,M. Medinnis,M. Mevius,A. Michetti,Y. Mikhailov,R. Mizuk, R. Muresan,M. zur Nedden,M. Negodaev,M. Nörenberg,S. Nowak,M.T. Núñez Pardo de Vera,M. Ouchrif,F. Ould-Saada,C. Padilla,D. Peralta,R. Pernack,R. Pestotnik,B.A. Petersen,M. Piccinini,M.A. Pleier,M. Poli,V. Popov,D. Pose,S. Prystupa,V. Pugatch,Y. Pylypchenko,J. Pyrlik,K. Reeves,D. Reßing,H. Rick,I. Riu,P. Robmann,I. Rostovtseva,V. Rybnikov,F. Sánchez,A. Sbrizzi,M. Schmelling, B. Schmidt,A. Schreiner,H. Schröder,U. Schwanke,A.J. Schwartz,A.S. Schwarz,B. Schwenninger,B. Schwingenheuer,F. Sciacca,N. Semprini-Cesari,S. Shuvalov,L. Silva,L. Sözüer,S. Solunin,A. Somov,S. Somov,J. Spengler,R. Spighi,A. Spiridonov, A. Stanovnik, M. Starič,C. Stegmann,H.S. Subramania,M. Symalla,I. Tikhomirov,M. Titov,I. Tsakov,U. Uwer,C. van Eldik,Y. Vassiliev,M. Villa,A. Vitale,I. Vukotic,H. Wahlberg,A.H. Walenta,M. Walter,J.J. Wang, D. Wegener,U. Werthenbach,H. Wolters,R. Wurth,A. Wurz,Y. Zaitsev,M. Zavertyaev,T. Zeuner,A. Zhelezov,Z. Zheng,R. Zimmermann,T. Živko,A. Zoccoli

The European Physical Journal C(2007)

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The inclusive production cross sections of the strange vector mesons K *0 , K̄ *0 , and φ have been measured in interactions of 920 GeV protons with C, Ti, and W targets with the HERA-B detector at the HERA storage ring. Differential cross sections as a function of rapidity and transverse momentum have been measured in the central rapidity region and for transverse momenta up to p T = 3.5 GeV/ c . The atomic number dependence is parametrised as σ pA =σ pN *A α , where σ pN is the proton–nucleon cross section. Within the phase space accessible, α(K *0 )=0.86±0.03, α(K̄ *0 )=0.87±0.03, and α(φ)=0.96±0.02. The total proton–nucleon cross sections, determined by extrapolating the differential measurements to full phase space, are σ pN→K*0 =(5.06±0.54) mb, σ pN→K̄*0 =(4.02±0.45) mb, and σ pN→φ =(1.17±0.11) mb. For all resonances the Cronin effect is observed; compared to the measurements of Cronin et al. for K ± mesons, the measured values of α for φ mesons coincide with those of K + mesons for all transverse momenta, while the enhancement for K *0 /K̄ *0 mesons is smaller.
Transverse Momentum,Monte Carlo,Total Cross Section,Production Cross Section,Integrate Cross Section
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