
Determination of α S using OPAL hadronic event shapes at √(s) = 91209 GeV and resummed NNLO calculations

G. Abbiendi,C. Ainsley,P. F. Åkesson,G. Alexander,G. Anagnostou,K. J. Anderson,S. Asai,D. Axen,I. Bailey,E. Barberio,T. Barillari,R. J. Barlow,R. J. Batley,P. Bechtle,T. Behnke,K. W. Bell,P. J. Bell,G. Bella,A. Bellerive,G. Benelli,S. Bethke,O. Biebel,O. Boeriu,P. Bock,M. Boutemeur,S. Braibant,R. M. Brown,H. J. Burckhart,S. Campana,P. Capiluppi,R. K. Carnegie,A. A. Carter,J. R. Carter,C. Y. Chang,D. G. Charlton,C. Ciocca,A. Csilling,M. Cuffiani,S. Dado,M. Dallavalle,A. De Roeck,E. A. De Wolf,K. Desch,B. Dienes,J. Dubbert,E. Duchovni,G. Duckeck,I. P. Duerdoth,E. Etzion,F. Fabbri,P. Ferrari,F. Fiedler,I. Fleck,M. Ford,A. Frey,P. Gagnon,J. W. Gary,C. Geich-Gimbel,G. Giacomelli,P. Giacomelli,M. Giunta,J. Goldberg,E. Gross,J. Grunhaus,M. Gruwé,A. Gupta,C. Hajdu,M. Hamann,G. G. Hanson,A. Harel,M. Hauschild,C. M. Hawkes,R. Hawkings,G. Herten,R. D. Heuer,J. C. Hill,D. Horváth,P. Igo-Kemenes,K. Ishii,H. Jeremie,P. Jovanovic,T. R. Junk,J. Kanzaki,D. Karlen,K. Kawagoe,T. Kawamoto,R. K. Keeler,R. G. Kellogg,B. W. Kennedy,S. Kluth,T. Kobayashi,M. Kobel,S. Komamiya,T. Krämer,A. Krasznahorkay Jr.,P. Krieger,J. von Krogh,T. Kuhl,M. Kupper,G. D. Lafferty,H. Landsman,D. Lanske,D. Lellouch,J. Letts,L. Levinson,J. Lillich,S. L. Lloyd,F. K. Loebinger,J. Lu,A. Ludwig,J. Ludwig,W. Mader,S. Marcellini,A. J. Martin,T. Mashimo,P. Mättig,J. McKenna,R. A. McPherson,F. Meijers,W. Menges,F. S. Merritt,H. Mes,N. Meyer,A. Michelini,S. Mihara,G. Mikenberg,D. J. Miller,W. Mohr,T. Mori,A. Mutter,K. Nagai,I. Nakamura,H. Nanjo,H. A. Neal,S. W. O’Neale,A. Oh,M. J. Oreglia,S. Orito,C. Pahl,G. Pásztor,J. R. Pater,J. E. Pilcher,J. Pinfold,D. E. Plane,O. Pooth,M. Przybycień,A. Quadt,K. Rabbertz,C. Rembser,P. Renkel,J. M. Roney,A. M. Rossi,Y. Rozen,K. Runge,K. Sachs,T. Saeki,E. K. G. Sarkisyan,A. D. Schaile,O. Schaile,P. Scharff-Hansen,J. Schieck,T. Schörner-Sadenius,M. Schröder,M. Schumacher,R. Seuster,T. G. Shears,B. C. Shen,P. Sherwood,A. Skuja,A. M. Smith,R. Sobie,S. Söldner-Rembold,F. Spano,A. Stahl,D. Strom,R. Ströhmer,S. Tarem,M. Tasevsky,R. Teuscher,M. A. Thomson,E. Torrence,D. Toya,I. Trigger,Z. Trócsányi,E. Tsur,M. F. Turner-Watson,I. Ueda,B. Ujvári,C. F. Vollmer,P. Vannerem,R. Vértesi,M. Verzocchi,H. Voss,J. Vossebeld,C. P. Ward,D. R. Ward,P. M. Watkins,A. T. Watson,N. K. Watson,P. S. Wells,T. Wengler,N. Wermes,G. W. Wilson,J. A. Wilson,G. Wolf,T. R. Wyatt,S. Yamashita,D. Zer-Zion,L. Zivkovic

The European Physical Journal C(2011)

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Systematic Uncertainty,High Energy Phys,Total Uncertainty,Event Shape,Renormalization Scale
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