The preanalytical stability of emerging cannabinoid analogs (delta-8 THC and its metabolites, delta-10 THC and carboxy-HHC) in urine


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There has been a surge in the presence and use of cannabinoids since the federal legalization of hemp (Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018). This increase is attributed not only to the use of Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC) and cannabidiol, the most abundant phytocannabinoid components of cannabis and hemp, respectively, but also to the use of many other emerging THC analogs. Structurally, these analogs are similar to Delta(9)-THC. Urine specimens for drug analysis are often collected offsite and transported to a laboratory for analysis. Screening assays are usually the first step in urine drug testing. These assays are usually qualitative and automated, which for negative specimens, reduce cost and reporting time. The stability of Delta(9)-THC and its metabolites has been known for some time; however, the stability of emerging analogs has not been elucidated, and therefore, assuming equivalent storage stability can be erroneous. Previous work assessed the cross-reactivity of Delta(8)-THC and its major metabolites, the Delta(10)-THC chiral analogs and the chiral 11-COOH-hexahydrocannabinol analogs. Stability was assessed for each analyte at a concentration two times greater than the analytes ' determined decision point. Samples were prepared in drug-free urine at three different pHs (4.5, 7 and 9) and stored at three different temperatures (4 degrees C, 20 degrees C and 45 degrees C) in triplicate. Samples were analyzed utilizing the Lin-Zhi International Cannabinoids Enzyme Immunoassay cannabinoid screening kit calibrated at the 25 ng/mL cut-off. Overall, the cannabinoid analogs produced diminishing instrument responses depending on pH and temperature. The parent analogs were not detected after a single day at 45 degrees C regardless of pH. In general, carboxylic acid analogs at the acidic pH (4.5) produced diminished instrument responses when compared to their counterparts stored at neutral (7) and basic (9) pH. The time, storage temperature and pH of urine specimens may affect the screening results of specimens collected for cannabinoid drug screening.
cannabinoid analogs,urine,preanalytical stability,carboxy-hhc
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