Whole mitogenome analysis highlights demographic history and shared connections among distal Indigenous groups of Mexico Complete mitogenome sequencing from 60 Mexican Native American groups Marlen Flores-Huacuja , Meradeth Snow , Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal , Cecilia Contreras-Cubas , Francisco Barajas-Olmos , Angélica González-Oliver , Elvia Mendoza-Caamal , Isabel Cicerón-Arellano , Federico Centeno-Cruz , Emilio J. Córdova , Paulina Baca , Silvia Esperanza Flores-Martínez , Rocío Ortiz-López , Austin W. Reynolds , Aleksandar David Kostic , José Rafael Villafan-Bernal , Carlos Galaviz-Hernández , Alejandra Guadalupe García-Zapién , Haydee Miranda-Ortíz , Blanca Patricia Lazalde-Ramos , Francisco Loeza-Becerra , Alessandra Carnevale , Héctor Rangel-Villalobos , Martha Sosa-Macías , Augusto Rojas-Martinez , Angélica Martínez-Hernández , Humberto García-Ortiz , Lorena Orozco biorxiv(2023)
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