LRH-1/NR5A2 Activation Rewires Immunometabolism Blunting Inflammatory Immune Cell Progression in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes and Enhances Human Islet Function in Mice N Cobo-Vuilleumier , S Rodríguez-Fernandez , L López-Noriega , PI Lorenzo , JM Franco , CC Lachaud , E Martin Vazquez , R Araujo Legido , A Dorronsoro , R López-Férnandez-Sobrino , B Fernádez-Santos , D Salas-Lloret , N van Overbeek , M Ramos-Rodriguez , C Mateo-Rodríguez , L. Hidalgo , R Nano , AI Arroba , A Campos Caro , ACO Vertegaal , A Martin Montalvo , F Martín , M Aguilar-Diosdado , L Piemonti , L Pasquali , R González Prieto , MI García Sánchez , MA Martínez-Brocca , M Vives-Pi , BR Gauthier biorxiv(2023)
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