Measurement of Nuclide Production Cross Sections for Proton-Induced Reactions on Natti and 93nb at 0.8 and 3.0 GeV

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms(2023)

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The nuclide production cross sections for proton-induced reactions on natTi and 93Nb at 0.8 and 3.0 GeV were measured using an activation technique at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. A total of 27 and 94 nuclide production cross sections for the natTi(p,X) and 93Nb(p,X) reactions were obtained, respectively. Cross sections of the natTi(p,X)44Sc, 93Nb(p,X)52Mn, 93Nb(p,X)69mZn, 93Nb(p,X)82mRb, 93Nb(p,X)85mY, 93Nb(p,X)87mY, 93Nb(p,X)90mY, 93Nb(p,X)91mNb, 93Nb(p,X)92mNb, and 93Nb(p,X)93mMo reactions were successfully measured for the first time. In addition, the cross sections of the natTi(p,X)46Sc, 93Nb(p,X)73As, 93Nb(p,X)85Y, and 93Nb(p,X)87Y reactions above about 1 GeV were firstly measured. The present data were compared with the results from nuclear reaction models in PHITS and data retrieved from Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library High Energy file 2007 (JENDL/HE-2007). As the nuclear reaction models, Liège IntraNuclear Cascade (INCL), two versions of JAERI Quantum Molecular Dynamics, and Jet AA Microscopic Transport Model coupled with an evaporation process were applied. The prediction accuracy of JENDL/HE-2007 was the best for the 7Be production cross section of both targets. As an overall trend, underestimation of INCL and all of the models were confirmed for the natTi(p,X) and 93Nb(p,X) reactions, respectively.
Nuclide production cross section,Niobium,Titanium,0.8 and 3 GeV proton incidence,Activation method,J-PARC,PHITS,JENDL/HE-2007
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