Estimate of the Impact of Special Regime Generation in the Electricity Generation Cost in Portugal

J. T. Saraiva, Matheus Vasconcelos

2023 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM)(2023)

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This paper describes the work developed to estimate the impact of the Special Regime Generation, SRG, in the generation cost in Portugal. Till the beginning of 2021 the values of the feed in tariffs paid to SRG were much larger than the market price paid to Normal Regime Generation, NRG, and this gap was often considered as a burden subsidized by consumers. In order to bring rational arguments to this discussion, several MSc Thesis were developed in recent years at the Engineering Faculty of Porto University to estimate the global generation cost in the country considering the current feed in regime and also admitting that generation paid feed in tariffs was reduced. This implied the calculation of the new market price if SRG was reduced and conversely NRG was increased. The results of the simulations developed for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 indicate that the impact of SRG very much depends on the market price along the year. If the market price is reduced (for instance in good hydrological years as 2020) the elimination of SRG reduces the generation cost. Conversely, if the market price is high, the elimination of SRG tends to increase the generation cost.
Iberian Electricity Market, Electricity prices, generation cost, Special Regime Generation
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