Demystifying the Composition and Code Reuse in Solidity Smart Contracts

Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering(2023)

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As the development of Solidity smart contracts has increased in popularity, the reliance on external sources such as third-party packages increases to reduce development costs. However, despite the use of external sources bringing flexibility and efficiency to the development, they could also complicate the process of assuring the security of downstream applications due to the lack of package managers for standardized ways and sources. While previous studies have only focused on code clones without considering how the external components are introduced, the compositions of a smart contract and their characteristics still remain puzzling. To fill these gaps, we conducted an empirical study with over 350,000 Solidity smart contracts to uncover their compositions, conduct code reuse analysis, and identify prevalent development patterns. Our findings indicate that a typical smart contract comprises approximately 10 subcontracts, with over 80% of these originating from external sources, reflecting the significant reliance on third-party packages. For self-developed subcontracts, around 50% of the subcontracts have less than 10% unique functions, suggesting that code reuse at the level of functions is also common. For external subcontracts, though around 35% of the subcontracts are interfaces to provide templates for standards or protocols, an inconsistency in the use of subcontract types is also identified. Lastly, we extracted 61 frequently reused development patterns, offering valuable insights for secure and efficient smart contract development.
smart contract composition,code reuse,development pattern
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