VizieR Online Data Catalog: 117 Exoplanets in Habitable Zone with Kepler DR25 (bryson+, 2021)
Steve Bryson,Michelle Kunimoto,R. Kopparapu,Jeffrey L. Coughlin,Thomas Barclay,David Koch,V. Silva Aguirre,Campbell Allen,Geert Barentsen,Natalie M. Batalha,Travis A. Berger,Alan P. Boss,Lars A. Buchhave,Christopher J. Burke,Douglas A. Caldwell,Jennifer R. Campbell,J. Catanzarite, David W. Paglieroni,W. J. Chaplin,Jessie L. Christiansen,J. Christensen‐Dalsgaard,David R. Ciardi,Bruce Clarke,William D. Cochran,Jessie L. Dotson,Laurance R. Doyle,Eduardo Seperuelo Duarte,E. W. Dunham,A. K. Dupree,Michael Endl, J. L. Fanson,Eric B. Ford, Maura Fujieh, S. D. Kawaler,John C. Geary,Ronald L. Gilliland,Forrest R. Girouard,A. Gould,Michael R. Haas,Chris Henze,Matthew J. Holman,Andrew W. Howard,Steve B. Howell,Daniel Huber,Roger C. Hunter,Jon M. Jenkins,H. Kjeldsen,J. Kolodziejczak,Kipp A. Larson,David W. Latham,J. Li,S. Mathur,S. Meibom,Christopher K. Middour,Robert Morris,Timothy D. Morton, Susan E. Thompson, D. Pletcher,A. Prša,Samuel N. Quinn,E. V. Quintana,Darin Ragozzine,Solange Ramírez,Dwight T. Sanderfer,Dimitar Sasselov,S. Seader,Megan Shabram,Avi Shporer,J. C. Smith,Jason H. Steffen,P. Schady,Guillermo Torres,J. Troeltzsch,Joseph D. Twicken,Akm Kamal Uddin,J. E. Van Cleve,Janice Voss,Lauren M. Weiss,William F. Welsh,Bill Wohler,K. A. Zamudio VizieR Online Data Catalog(2021)
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