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Corrigendum: OceanGliders: A Component of the Integrated GOOS

Pierre Testor,Brad de Young,Daniel L. Rudnick,Scott Glenn,Daniel J. Hayes,Craig M. Lee,Charitha Pattiaratchi,Katherine Hill,Emma Heslop,Victor Turpin,Pekka Alenius,Carlos Barrera,John A. Barth,Nicholas Beaird,Guislain Bécu,Anthony Bosse,François Bourrin,J. Alexander Brearley,Yi Chao,Sue Chen,Jacopo Chiggiato,Laurent Coppola,Richard Crout,James Cummings,Beth Curry,Ruth Curry,Richard L. Davis,Kruti Desai,Steven F. DiMarco,Catherine Edwards,Sophie Fielding,Ilker Fer,Eleanor Frajka‐Williams,Hezi Gildor,Gustavo Goñi,Dimitri Gutiérrez,Peter M. Haugan,Dave Hebert,Joleen Heiderich,Stephanie A. Henson,Karen J. Heywood,Patrick Hogan,Loïc Houpert, Seong Huh,Mark Inall,Masso Ishii,Shin‐ichi Ito, Susumu Itoh,Sen Jan,Jan Christian Kaiser,Johannes Karstensen,Barbara Kirkpatrick,J. M. Klymak,Josh Kohut,Gerd Krahmann,Marjolaine Krug,Sam McClatchie,Frédéric Marin,Elena Mauri,Avichal Mehra,Michael P. Meredith,Thomas Meunier,Travis Miles,Julio M. Morell,Laurent Mortier,Sarah Nicholson,Joanne O’Callaghan,Diarmuid Ó’Conchubhair,Peter R. Oke,Enric Pallàs‐Sanz,M. Palmer,JongJin Park,L. Perivoliotis,Pierre-Marie Poulain,Ruth Perry,Bastien Y. Queste,Luc Rainville,Eric Rehm,Moninya Roughan,Nicholas Rome,Tetjana Ross,Simón Ruiz,Grace Saba,Amandine Schaeffer,Martha Schönau,Katrin Schröeder, Yoshihisa Shimizu,Bernadette M. Sloyan,David A. Smeed,Derrick Snowden,Yumi Song,Sebastian Swart,M. Tenreiro,Andrew F. Thompson,Joaquín Tintoré,Robert E. Todd,Cesar Toro,Hugh J. Venables,Taku Wagawa,Stephanie Waterman,Roy A. Watlington,Doug Wilson

Frontiers in marine science(2021)

Cited 86|Views9
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