Nuclear-structure Experiments at Ithemba LABS to Investigate Discrepancies Between (p, P′) and (γ, Xn) Data
L. M. Donaldson,P. Adsley,A. Banu,S. Bassauer,B. Bastin,C. A. Bertulani,J. W. Brummer,J. Carter,G. R. J. Cooper,R. W. Fearick,S. V. Fortsch,H. Fujita,Y. Fujita,F. Hammache,M. N. Harakeh,J. Henderson,M. Jingo,H. Jivan,B. V. Kheswa,N. Y. Kheswa,W. Kleinig,C. O. Kureba,J. Kvasil,M. Latif,K. C. W. Li,A. Meyer,J. P. Mira,F. Nemulodi,V. O. Nesterenko,P. von Neumann-Cosel,R. Neveling,P. Papka,L. Pellegri,N. Pietralla,A. Richter,V. Yu Ponomarev,B. Rebeiro,P-G Reinhard,N. de Sereville,E. Sideras-Haddad,F. D. Smit, M. K. Smith,J. A. Swartz,A. Tamii,I. T. Usman 28TH INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE, INPC 2022(2023)
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