Precision Measurement of the Specific Activity of $$^{39}$$ar in Atmospheric Argon with the DEAP-3600 Detector

P. Adhikari,Rahaf Ajaj,M. Alpízar-Venegas,P. Amaudruz,James Anstey,G. R. Araujo,D. J. Auty,M.N. Baldwin,M. Batygov,B. Beltrán,H. Benmansour,C. E. Bina,J. Bonatt,W. Bonivento,M. G. Boulay,B. Broerman,J. F. Bueno,P. M. Burghardt,A. Butcher,M. Cadeddu,B. Cai, Miguel Cárdenas‐Montes,S. Cavuoti, M. Chen,Y. Chen,S. Choudhary,B. T. Cleveland,J. M. Corning,R. Crampton,D. Cranshaw,S. J. Daugherty,P. DelGobbo,K. Dering,P. Di Stefano,J. DiGioseffo,G. Dolganov,L. Doria,F. A. Duncan,M. Dunford,E. Ellingwood,A. Erlandson,S. S. Farahani,N. Fatemighomi,G. Fiorillo,Florian Schepers,A. Flower,R. Ford,R. Gagnon,D. Gallacher, P. García Abia,Sakshi Garg,P. Giampa,A. Giménez-Alcázar,D. Goeldi,V. V. Golovko,P. Gorel,Kevin Robert Graham,D. R. Grant,A. Grobov,A. L. Hallin,M. Hamstra,P. J. Harvey,S. Haskins,C. Hearns, Jun Hu,J. Hucker,T. Hugues,A. Ilyasov,B. Jigmeddorj,C. J. Jillings,A. Joy,O. Kamaev,G. Kaur,A. Kemp,M. Kuźniak,F. La Zia,M. Laí,S. Langrock,B. Lehnert,A. Leonhardt,J. LePage-Bourbonnais,N. Levashko,J. Lidgard,T. Lindner,M. Lissia,James A. Lock,L. Luzzi,I. Machulin,P. Majewski, Apexa Maru,James Paul Mason,A. B. McDonald,Thomas McElroy,T. McGinn, Joe McLaughlin,R. Mehdiyev,C. Mielnichuk,L. Mirasola,J. Monroe,P. Nadeau,C. Nantais,C. Ng,A. J. Noble,E. O’Dwyer,G. Oliviéro,C. Ouellet,S. Pal,D. Papi,P. Pasuthip,S. J. M. Peeters,M. G. Perry,V. Pesudo,E. Picciau,M.-C. Piro,T. R. Pollmann,F. Rad,E. T. Rand,C. Rethmeier,F. Retière, Isabel Rodríguez García,L. Roszkowski,J. B. Ruhland,R. Santorelli,F. G. Schuckman,N. Seeburn,S. Seth,V. Shalamova,K. Singhrao,P. Skensved, Nell Smith,Ben Smith,K. Sobotkiewich,T. Sonley,J. Sosiak,J. Soukup,R. Stainforth,Connor Stone,V. Strickland,M. Stringer,B. Sur,J. Tang,E. Vázquez-Jáuregui,Laurelle Maria Veloce,S. Viel,B. Vyas,M. Walczak,J. Walding,M. Ward,S. Westerdale,J. L. Willis,A. Zuñiga-Reyes

European physical journal C, Particles and fields(2023)

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The specific activity of the $$\beta $$ β decay of $$^{39}$$ 39 Ar in atmospheric argon is measured using the DEAP-3600 detector. DEAP-3600, located 2 km underground at SNOLAB, uses a total of (3269 ± 24) kg of liquid argon distilled from the atmosphere to search for dark matter. This detector is well-suited to measure the decay of $$^{39}$$ 39 Ar owing to its very low background levels. This is achieved in two ways: it uses low background construction materials; and it uses pulse-shape discrimination to differentiate between nuclear recoils and electron recoils. With 167 live-days of data, the measured specific activity at the time of atmospheric extraction is (0.964 ± 0.001 $$_\textrm{stat}$$ stat ± 0.024 $$_\textrm{sys}$$ sys ) Bq/kg $$_\textrm{atmAr}$$ atmAr , which is consistent with results from other experiments. A cross-check analysis using different event selection criteria and a different statistical method confirms the result.
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