Supplemental Data 12 from Upregulation of MAPK Negative Feedback Regulators and RET in Mutant ALK Neuroblastoma: Implications for Targeted Treatment
Irina Lambertz,Candy Kumps,Shana Claeys,Sven Lindner,Anneleen Beckers,Els Janssens,Daniel R. Carter,Alex Cazes,Belamy B. Cheung,Marilena De Mariano,An De Bondt,Sara De Brouwer,Olivier Delattre, Jay Gibbons,Isabelle Janoueix-Lerosey,Geneviève Laureys,Chris Liang, Glenn M. Marchall,Michael Porcu,Junko Takita,David Camacho Trujillo,Ilse Van Den Wyngaert,Nadine Van Roy,Alan Van Goethem,Tom Van Maerken,Piotr Zabrocki,Jan Cools,Johannes H. Schulte,Jorge Vialard,Frank Speleman,Katleen De Preter openalex(2023)
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