Exploring flexible methods for national health examination surveys in Germany

H. Neuhauser, T. Weihrauch, B. Maier, C. Wolff, I. Hey,A. Schienkiewitz,G. Sarganas,A. Goesswald,P. Schmich, S. Stahlberg

European journal of public health(2023)

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Abstract Background National health examination surveys (HES) are rarely carried out due to high costs and high complexity. We piloted more flexible methods such as self-sampling, self-measurements and household visits conducted by a study-nurse replacing physician examinations in study centers. Methods Feasibility of several new methods for the German HES was tested, e.g.: large-scale implementation of unattended self-sampled dried blood spots (DBS) and oral-nasal swabs (ONS) in a countrywide general population panel including a large subsample with migration background (Study 1, n = 15,122); household visits with brief biosampling & examinations (Study 2, n = 470); and unattended blood pressure (BP) self-measurements with mailed devices and video instructions (Study 3, n = 202). Results Among participants consenting to participate, Study 1 showed successful postal self-sampling of DBS for SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests in 98% of participants and 97% valid ONS for SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests. Study 2 showed successful standardized measurements of BP (97%), weight/height (99%) and DBS and venous blood sampling with onsite whole blood centrifugation (97%). Temperature requirements for centrifugation, cooled transport and ATC-coded medication assessment (Anatomical Chemical Classification) proved challenging and needed revised methods to avoid data loss. Nested validation studies confirmed use of a multiplex assay for various antibodies with DBS and of HbA1c analysis with uncooled specimen. The strict and time-consuming BP self-measurement-protocol with 12 measurements in Study 3 was followed only by 54% of participants. Conclusions Self-sampling and biosampling & examinations in households are feasible options for HES but protocols with high complexity may result in low data completeness.
national health examination surveys,national health,flexible methods
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