Thermal Effects in an Imbalanced Dipolar Fermionic Superfluid

arXiv (Cornell University)(2024)

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We investigate the temperature effects in an imbalanced superfluid atomic Fermi gas. We consider a bilayer system of two-component dipolar fermionic atoms with one layer containing atoms of one component and the other layer the atoms of other component with an imbalance between the populations of the two components. This imbalance results in uniform and nonuniform superfluid phases such as phase-separated BCS, Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO), Sarma and normal Fermi liquid phases for different system parameters. Using the mean-field BCS theory together with the superfluid mass-density criterion we classify different phases in thermodynamic phase diagram. Our results indicate that for a dipolar Fermi system the Sarma phase is stable for large imbalance at finite temperature below the critical temperature, and the FFLO phase is stable for intermediate imbalance on the BCS side of a BCS-BCE crossover. The phase diagram in the temperature and population imbalance plane indicate three Lifshitz points: one corresponding to coexistance of BCS, FFLO and normal Fermi liquid phase while the other two correspond to the coexistance of the Sarma phase, FFLO phase and normal Fermi phase for dipolar interactions.
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