The Development and Internal Pilot Trial of a Digital Physical Activity and Emotional Well-Being Intervention (kidney BEAM) for People with Chronic Kidney Disease Hannah M. L. Young , Ellen M. Castle , Juliet Briggs , Christy Walklin , Roseanne E. Billany , Elham Asgari , Sunil Bhandari , Nicolette Bishop , Kate Bramham , James O. Burton , Jackie Campbell , Joseph Chilcot , Nicola Cooper , Vashist Deelchand , Matthew P. M. Graham-Brown , Lynda Haggis , Alexander Hamilton , Mark Jesky , Philip A. Kalra , Pelagia Koufaki , Jamie Macdonald , Kieran McCafferty , Andrew C. Nixon , Helen Noble , Zoe L. Saynor , Maarten W. Taal , James Tollitt , David C. Wheeler , Thomas J. Wilkinson , Sharlene A. Greenwood SCIENTIFIC REPORTS(2024)
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