Assessing the Quality and Value of Metabolic Chart Data for Capturing Core Outcomes for Pediatric Medium-Chain Acyl-Coa Dehydrogenase (MCAD) Deficiency

BMC pediatrics(2024)

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Generating rigorous evidence to inform care for rare diseases requires reliable, sustainable, and longitudinal measurement of priority outcomes. Having developed a core outcome set for pediatric medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency, we aimed to assess the feasibility of prospective measurement of these core outcomes during routine metabolic clinic visits. We used existing cohort data abstracted from charts of 124 children diagnosed with MCAD deficiency who participated in a Canadian study which collected data from birth to a maximum of 11 years of age to investigate the frequency of clinic visits and quality of metabolic chart data for selected outcomes. We recorded all opportunities to collect outcomes from the medical chart as a function of visit rate to the metabolic clinic, by treatment centre and by child age. We applied a data quality framework to evaluate data based on completeness, conformance, and plausibility for four core MCAD outcomes: emergency department use, fasting time, metabolic decompensation, and death. The frequency of metabolic clinic visits decreased with increasing age, from a rate of 2.8 visits per child per year (95
MCAD deficiency,Core outcome set,Data quality
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