Human Resources Training Project in Wireless Communication Technologies and IoT.

Paulo T. A. Pereira, Juliano S. M. Lima, Isabella N. Mendes, Juliana A. Oliveira,Andrey R. R. Bessa,Diego A. Amoedo,Edma V. C. Urtiga Mattos,Celso B. Carvalho,Waldir S. S. Júnior

2023 Symposium on Internet of Things (SIoT)(2023)

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In this paper, we present a training project for undergraduate students in computer engineering, electrical engi-neering, and computer science, for insertion in the job market, in the area of Internet of Things and wireless communications, for research, development, and industry called Project Super - ICTSr-IoT, a collaboration between the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) and Samsung Electronics from Amazon. The complete training project has five phases, with defined characteristics and particular deliverables described in detail in the article. In terms of results, expectations were exceeded in relation to the theoretical and practical development of students, number of students graduating, participation in events, submission of articles, and insertion in the job market.
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