Unsupervised Sign Language Translation and Generation

Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024(2024)

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Motivated by the success of unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT),we introduce an unsupervised sign language translation and generation network(USLNet), which learns from abundant single-modality (text and video) datawithout parallel sign language data. USLNet comprises two main components:single-modality reconstruction modules (text and video) that rebuild the inputfrom its noisy version in the same modality and cross-modality back-translationmodules (text-video-text and video-text-video) that reconstruct the input fromits noisy version in the different modality using back-translationprocedure.Unlike the single-modality back-translation procedure in text-basedUNMT, USLNet faces the cross-modality discrepancy in feature representation, inwhich the length and the feature dimension mismatch between text and videosequences. We propose a sliding window method to address the issues of aligningvariable-length text with video sequences. To our knowledge, USLNet is thefirst unsupervised sign language translation and generation model capable ofgenerating both natural language text and sign language video in a unifiedmanner. Experimental results on the BBC-Oxford Sign Language dataset (BOBSL)and Open-Domain American Sign Language dataset (OpenASL) reveal that USLNetachieves competitive results compared to supervised baseline models, indicatingits effectiveness in sign language translation and generation.
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