Experimental and molecular simulation analysis of the dissolution behavior of Musk ambrette in organic solvents

Journal of Molecular Liquids(2024)

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The solubility of Musk ambrette in i-propanol (IPA), i-butanol (IBA), n-heptane (HPT), n-hexane (HX), cyclohexane (CYH), methyl acetate (MAC), ethyl acetate (EAC), acetone (ACE), IPA + ACE at 278.15 K to 318.15 K was determined. The mole fraction solubility of Musk ambrette in pure IPA at the temperature of 298.15 K were found to be 0.9492 × 10-2 mol·mol−1. The difference is that the solubility of Musk ambrette in ACE reaches 0.2257 mol·mol−1, which is much higher than the solvent mentioned above. The strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding formed by IPA resulted in its lowest solvation capacity for Musk ambrette. In addition, to further investigate the solubility pattern of Musk ambrette, we used 8 models (Van’t Hoff, modified Apelblat, Buchowski-Ksiazczak, Yaws, NRTL, Wilson, Jouyban-Acree and Sun model) to fit and obtain a general equation for solubility versus temperature. These results yielded a large amount of statistically significant data. Comparisons revealed that the modified Apelblat and Yaws equation showed the least deviation in forecasting solubility variations with temperature. Meanwhile, we proved that the dissolution of Musk ambrette is a heat-absorbing entropy increasing process by Van't Hoff equation calculation. ΔsolGo for the 12 solvents is in the following order: ACE < MAC < EAC < w = 0.2007 < w = 0.4025 < w = 0.6076 < CYH < w = 0.8070 < HPT < HX < IBA < IPA. ΔsolGo is smaller the easier it dissolves, which is consistent with the law of dissolution. Secondly, we performed thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction tests on Musk ambrette crystals prepared in different solvents, which showed that none of the several systems investigated led to the creation of new crystalline forms or solvatoids, further confirming the suitability of the solvents. Besides, we discuss the correspondence between solubility and the HSP, π, α, β, and CED of the solvents and thus tentatively confirm the significant influence of the solvent properties on solubility. The principle of similarity and compatibility is satisfied for most of the solvents. In particular, the CED values of the larger solvents were not favorable for the solubilization of Musk ambrette. We also analyzed the molecular surface electrostatic potential of Musk ambrette by visualization techniques. Finally, IPA and ACE and their binary solution systems were analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations. The effect of solvent intermolecular interactions on the solubilization pattern was discussed. It was further confirmed that weak interactions of solvent molecules contribute more to the dissolution of Musk ambrette. These findings suggest that the prediction of solvent solubility can be initially achieved by molecular simulation techniques. Undoubtedly, this study will furnish a valuable information for the purification of Musk ambrette.
Musk ambrette,Solubility,Solvent effect,Molecular simulation
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