Pyrimidine Depletion Enhances Targeted and Immune Therapy Combinations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Ola A. Elgamal,Sydney Fobare,Sandip Vibhute,Abeera Mehmood, Dennis C. Vroom,Mariah L. Johnson,Blaise Stearns,James R. Lerma,Jean Truxall,Emily Stahl,Bridget Carmichael,Shelley J. Orwick,Alice S. Mims,Emily Curran,Ramasamy Santhanam,Susheela Tridandapani,Mitch A. Phelps,Zhiliang Xie,Christopher C. Coss,Sharyn D. Baker,Jeffrey Patrick, Janel K. Ezzell,Jayesh Rai,Jianmin Pan,Shesh N. Rai, Cody Stillwell,Mark Wunderlich, Mouad Abdulrahim,Thomas E. Goodwin,Gerard Hilinski,Chad E. Bennett,Erin Hertlein,John C. Byrd JCI Insight(2024)
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