Synaptic Information Storage Capacity Measured with Information Theory

Neural computation(2024)

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Variation in the strength of synapses can be quantified by measuring the anatomical properties of synapses. Quantifying precision of synaptic plasticity is fundamental to understanding information storage and retrieval in neural circuits. Synapses from the same axon onto the same dendrite have a common history of coactivation, making them ideal candidates for determining the precision of synaptic plasticity based on the similarity of their physical dimensions. Here, the precision and amount of information stored in synapse dimensions were quantified with Shannon information theory, expanding prior analysis that used signal detection theory (Bartol et al., 2015). The two methods were compared using dendritic spine head volumes in the middle of the stratum radiatum of hippocampal area CA1 as well-defined measures of synaptic strength. Information theory delineated the number of distinguishable synaptic strengths based on nonoverlapping bins of dendritic spine head volumes. Shannon entropy was applied to measure synaptic information storage capacity (SISC) and resulted in a lower bound of 4.1 bits and upper bound of 4.59 bits of information based on 24 distinguishable sizes. We further compared the distribution of distinguishable sizes and a uniform distribution using Kullback-Leibler divergence and discovered that there was a nearly uniform distribution of spine head volumes across the sizes, suggesting optimal use of the distinguishable values. Thus, SISC provides a new analytical measure that can be generalized to probe synaptic strengths and capacity for plasticity in different brain regions of different species and among animals raised in different conditions or during learning. How brain diseases and disorders affect the precision of synaptic plasticity can also be probed.
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