Biaxial strain effects in 2D diamond formation from graphene stacks

Rajaji Vincent, Riccardo Galafassi, Mohammad Hellani,Alexis Forestier,Flavio Siro Brigiano, Bruno Sousa Araujo, Agnes Piednoir, Hatem Diaf, Fabio Pietrucci,Antonio Gomes Souza Filho,Natalia del Fatti,Fabien Vialla,Alfonso San-Miguel


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Discovering innovative methods to understand phase transitions, modify phase diagrams, and uncover novel synthesis routes poses significant and far-reaching challenges. In this study, we demonstrate the formation of nanodiamond-like sp3 carbon from few-layer graphene (FLG) stacks at room temperature and relatively low transition pressure ( 7.0 GPa) due to chemical interaction with water and physical biaxial strain induced by substrate compression. By employing resonance Raman and optical absorption spectroscopies at high-pressure on FLG systems, utilizing van der Waals heterostructures (hBN/FLG) on different substrates (SiO2/Si and diamond), we originally unveiled the key role of biaxial strain. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations corroborates the pivotal role of both water and biaxial strain in locally stabilizing sp3 carbon structures at the graphene-ice interface. This breakthrough directly enhances nanodiamond technology but also establishes biaxial strain engineering as a promising tool to explore novel phases of 2D nanomaterials.
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