Research on Peak Shaving Potential Considering Customer-side Energy Storage Regulation Response Model

Qiang Gao,Xiangjin Wang, Hang Zheng,Yuanzhi Chen, Qian Wang, Guohao Sun

2024 9th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE)(2024)

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Customer-side energy storage, as an important resource for peak load shifting and valley filling in the power grid, has great potential. Firstly, in order to realize the collaborative optimization of energy storage resources of multiple types of users under the distribution network, a system-level decentralized optimization strategy is proposed. Secondly, by introducing the response potential coefficient, the quantification of resident energy storage resources is realized, and the optimization model of energy storage scheduling is established. Finally, taking a regional customer group as an example, it proves that the proposed optimization strategy can effectively reflect the energy storage potential, and realize the requirements of economic operation of the distribution network while ensuring the interests of residents. The results show that the system can use broad energy storage facilities to convert excess energy into energy storage, improving the operation efficiency and stability of the system, so as to achieve the goal of low-carbon economic operation.
customer-side energy storage,peak shaving,response potential,distribution network
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