Lewis Acidity and Basicity Diagnostics of Molten Salt for its Properties and Structure Online Monitoring

Changzu Zhu, Jia Song,Xiaorui Xu, Chengyu Wang, Yang Tong, Lve Lin,Shaoqiang Guo,Wentao Zhou,Adrien Couet, Yafei Wang


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Analogous to the aqueous solution where the pH of the solvent affects its multiple behaviors, the Lewis acidity-basicity of molten salts also greatly influences their thermophysical and thermochemical properties. In the study, we develop ion probes to quantitatively determine the acidity-basicity scale of molten NaCl-xAlCl3 (x = 1.5-2.1) salt using in-situ ultra-violet visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. With the accumulation of acidity-basicity data of NaCl-AlCl3 molten salt for a variety of compositions, the correlation between the acidity-basicity of salt and its measured fundamental properties are derived. To understand the physical and chemical features controlling the acidity-basicity variations, the structures of NaCl-xAlCl3 molten salts with different chemical compositions are investigated in terms of bonded complexes and coordination numbers. The comprehensive understanding of the correlation between composition, acidity-basicity, properties, and structures of molten salt can serve for the full screening and online monitoring of salt melt in extreme environments by simply measuring the salt acidity-basicity as developed in this study.
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