Development of a Plastic Scintillator Based and SiPM Readout Detector for High-Precision Fast-Timing Measurements at Rosphere Array

Catalin C. Neacsu,A. Turturică, R. Borcea,C. Costache, R. Lică,N. Mărginean,C. Mihai, G. Pascovici, A. D. Stoica,Gabriel Turturică,S. Ujeniuc

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2024)

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We report on the development of a custom particle detection system that aims to improve the detection capabilities of the ROSPHERE array. The detector is designed specifically for lifetime measurements using the in-beam Fast-timing method for nuclear states in nuclides produced in nuclear transfer reactions. An 80 x 3.6 mm disc of BC400 plastic scintillator was coupled to a sparse SiPM array readout connected to a dedicated Front End Electronics board. The detector was tested versus a conical LaBr3(Ce) coupled to a Hamamatsu PMT readout. The timing measurements resulted in a resolution of 896(5) ps. The detector design, characteristics, and performances are presented in this paper along with future improvements.
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