Clinical and Imaging Findings Associated with Preservation of Knee Joint Health over 8 Years in Individuals Aged 65 and Over: Data from the OAI

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders(2024)

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While risk factors for osteoarthritis (OA) are well known, it is not well understood why certain individuals maintain high mobility and joint health throughout their life while others demonstrate OA at older ages. The purpose of this study was to assess which demographic, clinical and MRI quantitative and semi-quantitative factors are associated with preserving healthy knees in older individuals. This study analyzed data from the OA Initiative (OAI) cohort of individuals at the age of 65 years or above. Participants without OA at baseline (BL) (Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) ≤ 1) were followed and classified as incident cases (KL ≥ 2 during follow-up; n = 115) and as non-incident (KL ≤ 1 over 96-month; n = 391). Associations between the predictor-variables sex, age, BMI, race, clinical scoring systems, T2 relaxation times and Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Score (WORMS) readings at BL and the preservation of healthy knees (KL ≤ 1) during a 96-month follow-up period were assessed using logistic regression models. Obesity and presence of pain showed a significant inverse association with maintaining radiographically normal joints in patients aged 65 and above. T2 relaxation times of the lateral femur and tibia as well as the medial femur were also significantly associated with maintaining radiographically normal knee joints. Additionally, absence of lesions of the lateral meniscus and absence of cartilage lesions in the medial and patellofemoral compartments were significantly associated with maintaining healthy knee joints. Overall, this study provides protective clinical parameters as well as quantitative and semi-quantitative MR-imaging parameters associated with maintaining radiographically normal knee joints in an older population over 8 years. Most protective parameters for osteoarthritis seem to be similar in the elderly as compared to mixed age cohorts. Nevertheless, some risk factors may be different in the elderly, especially regarding quantitative imaging parameters.
Osteoarthritis,Magnetic resonance imaging,Older individuals,Protective factors
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