Demo Abstract: PixelGen: Rethinking Embedded Camera Systems for Mixed-Reality

2024 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)(2024)

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A confluence of advances in several fields has led to the emergence of mixed-reality headsets. They can enable us to interact with and visualize our environments in novel ways. Nonetheless, mixed-reality headsets are constrained today as their camera systems only capture a narrow part of the visible spectrum. Our environment contains rich information that cameras do not capture. It includes phenomena captured through sensors, electromagnetic fields beyond visible light, acoustic emissions, and magnetic fields. We demonstrate our ongoing work, PixelGen, to redesign cameras for low power consumption and to be able to visualize our environments in a novel manner, making some of the invisible phenomena visible. Pixel-Gen combines low-bandwidth sensors with a monochrome camera to capture a rich representation of the world. This design choice ensures information is communicated energy-efficiently. This information is then combined with diffusion-based image models to generate unique representations of the environment, visualizing the otherwise invisible fields. We demonstrate that together with a mixed reality headset, it enables us to observe the world uniquely.
Embedded Camera Systems,Mixed Reality,Multimodal AI,Low-power Systems
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