Optimal Treatment Strategies for Ct2 Staged Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus and the Gastroesophageal Junction: A Multinational, High-volume Center Retrospective Cohort Analysis.Naita M. Wirsik, Cezanne D. Kooij,Niall Dempster,Nerma Crnovrsanin,Noel E. Donlon,Eren Uzun,Kunal Bhanot,Henrik Nienhu''ser, Daniela Polette, Kammy Kewani,Peter Grimminger,Daniel Reim,Florian Seyfried,Hans F. Fuchs,Suzanne S. Gisbertz,Christoph-Thomas Germer,Jelle P. Ruurda,Fredrik Klevebro,Wolfgang Schro''der,Magnus Nilsson,John V. Reynolds,Mark I. Van Berge Henegouwen,Sheraz Markar,Richard Van Hillegersberg,Thomas Schmidt,Christiane J. BrunsANNALS OF SURGERY(2024)引用 0|浏览5关键词adenocarcinoma,cT2,treatmentAI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要