Turbulence and Sediment Deposition in a Channel with Floating Vegetation

Ziqin Gui,Yuqi Shan, Chuan Li,Sichen Sun,Chao Liu


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Floating canopies of vegetation alter the vertical profile of flow velocity within and below canopies, which in turn impacts sediment deposition below canopies. This study explored the impacts of channel-average velocity (U0), U 0 ), vegetation density (a), a ), and relative flow depth (hg/H, h g / H , where hg g is the height of the free flow region below the floating canopy and H is the entire flow depth) on the longitudinal distributions of near-bed turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) TKE ) and sediment deposition in a channel with a floating vegetation canopy. Below a floating canopy, sediment deposition was correlated with the near-bed TKE. . For the low-density and low-velocity cases, sediment deposition was spatially uniform across the entire channel because the near-bed TKE was lower than the critical value for sediment resuspension. As the vegetation density and channel-average velocity increased, the near-bed TKE increased and surpassed the critical TKE, , which caused resuspension and reduced deposition below the canopy relative to the upstream reference. For the same vegetation density and channel-average velocity, a lower relative flow depth (hg/H) h g / H ) produced a higher below-canopy depth-averaged velocity and near-bed TKE, , resulting in less deposition below the canopy. A model was proposed for predicting the longitudinal evolution of near-bed TKE based on the predicted flow velocity below the canopy throughout the channel. The longitudinal evolution of deposition below a floating canopy was predicted by combining the predicted near-bed TKE with the deposition probability. The predicted near-bed TKE and deposition matched laboratory measurements. Finally, the proposed model can be used to predict the longitudinal profile of deposition below a real Eichhornia crassipes canopy.
Floating canopy,Turbulent kinetic energy,Sediment deposition,Eichhornia crassipes
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