Measuring Σ_8 Using DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys Emission-Line Galaxies and Planck CMB Lensing and the Impact of Dust on Parameter Inferenc
Tanveer Karim,Sukhdeep Singh,Mehdi Rezaie,Daniel Eisenstein,Boryana Hadzhiyska,Joshua S. Speagle,Jessica Nicole Aguilar,Steven Ahlen,David Brooks,Todd Claybaugh,Axel de la Macorra,Simone Ferraro,Jaime E. Forero-Romero,Enrique Gaztañaga,Satya Gontcho A Gontcho,Gaston Gutierrez,Julien Guy,Klaus Honscheid,Stephanie Juneau,David Kirkby,Alex Krolewski,Andrew Lambert,Martin Landriau,Michael Levi,Aaron Meisner,Ramon Miquel,John Moustakas,Andrea Muñoz-Gutiérrez,Adam Myers,Gustavo Niz,Nathalie Palanque Delabrouille,Will Percival,Francisco Prada,Graziano Rossi,Eusebio Sanchez,Edward Schlafly,David Schlegel,Michael Schubnell,David Sprayberry,Gregory Tarlé,Benjamin Alan Weaver,Hu Zou arxiv(2024)
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