CHARA/SPICA: the New 6T Visible Combiner for the CHARA Array
Denis Mourard,Anthony Meilland, Romina Ibanez Bustos, Juraj Jonak,Philippe Berio,Julien Dejonghe,Daniel Lecron,Frédéric Morand,David Salabert,Fatmé Allouche, Narsireddy Anugu,Sandra Bosio,Laurent Bourgès,Orlagh Creevey,Sébastien Deheuvels, Armando Domiciano de Souza, Nayeem Ebrahimkutty, Douglas R. Gies,Karolina Kubiak,Roxanne Ligi, Robert Ligon,Guillaume Mella,Nicolas Nardetto,Karine Perraut, Christophe Pitiot,Sylvain Rousseau,Mathieu Vrard,Gail H. Schaefer,Alain Spang,Nils Turner,Markus Wittkowski, Florian Zumbo Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging IX(2024)
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