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ENGOT-en11/GOG-3053/KEYNOTE-B21: a Randomised, Double-Blind, Phase III Study of Pembrolizumab or Placebo Plus Adjuvant Chemotherapy with or Without Radiotherapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed, High-Risk Endometrial Cancer

T. Van Gorp,D. Cibula, W. Lv, F. Backes,F. Ortac,K. Hasegawa,K. Lindemann,A. Savarese, A. Laenen, Y. M. Kim, L. Bodnar,M. -p. Barretina-Ginesta,L. Gilbert, B. Pothuri, X. Chen, M. B. Flores, T. Levy,N. Colombo,C. Papadimitriou, T. Buchanan,L. C. Hanker,G. Eminowicz, L. Rob,D. Black,J. Lichfield, G. Lin,R. Orlowski,S. Keefe,A. Lortholary,B. Slomovitz


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adjuvant pembrolizumab,adjuvant chemotherapy,high-risk endometrial cancer,phase III randomised controlled trial,disease-free survival,mismatch repair-deficient tumour,adjuvant pembrolizumab,adjuvant chemotherapy,high-risk endometrial cancer,phase III randomised controlled trial,disease-free survival,mismatch repair-deficient tumour
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