Integrating NVIDIA Jetson Nano As a Data Server in IIoT Ecosystems: A Case Study

Adriel Vasques, Andrey R. R. Bessa, José E.B.S. Linhares,Mateus O. Silva,Gustavo M. Torres, Matheus S. Uchôa,Myke D.M. Valadão, Edma V.C.U. Mattos,Antônio M.C. Pereira, Agemilson P. Silva, Allan C. Brito, Rômulo S.F., Waldir S.S., Celso B. Carvalho

2024 International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan)(2024)

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This study introduces an advanced Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) system for efficient data collection and processing in industrial settings. By incorporating LoRaWAN sensors, MQTT brokers, and NVIDIA Jetson Nano operating system based on Ubuntu. The proposed system enhances data transmission reliability, optimizes machine learning data flow, and reinforces data security. These improvements significantly boost operational efficiency and setting the base for efficient data collection by optimizing operational flows in automated industrial environments. Furthermore, the proposed can be used in a data acquisition context to create machine learning models for predictive maintenance applications or anomaly detection in industrial assets, even if the AAS stage is still under development.
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT),Data Collection,Data Processing,LoRaWAN Sensors,MQTT Broker,NVIDIA Jetson Nano
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