A Topographic Lung Cell Atlas Reveals Regional Variation in Cell-Type Specific Gene Programs and Identifies Healthy and Diseased Cellular Neighborhoods Christos Samakovlis , Alexandra Firsova , Sergio Marco Salas , Louis Kümmerle , Xesus Abalo , Ludvig Larsson , Krishna Mahbubani , Alexandros Sountoulidis , Jonas Theelke , Zaneta Andrusivova , Leire Alonso Galicia , Andreas Liontos , Tamas Balassa , Ferenc Kovacs , Peter Horvath , Yuexin Chen , Janine Gote-Schniering , Mircea-Gabriel Stoleriu , Jürgen Behr , Kerstin Meyer , Wim Timens , Herbert Schiller , Malte Lücken , Fabian Theis , Joakim Lundeberg , Mats Nilsson , Martijn Nawijn crossref(2024)
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