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Relationship Between Exercise Electrocardiography Findings and Cardiovascular Events and the Extent of Coronary Artery Disease: What is New?

Hüseyin Ede, Hosameldin Salah Shabib Ahmed, Ahmed Sobhy Mahfouz, Unus Kunju Bedardeen, Gagan Manoher, Sajad Adhi Raja, Anwar Choyimadathil, Lawrence Shafik Al Okka, Prijith Pozhekadavil Damodharan, Mohammed Abdulla Al-Hashemi, Awad ARazaq Al-Qahtani,Nidal Ahmad Asaad

Kardiyovasküler Tıp E Dergisi/E Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine(2024)

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Key words
coronary artery disease,exercise treadmill test,duke treadmill score,rate-pressure product,syntax score
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