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The EMC Effect of Tritium and Helium-3 from the JLab MARATHON Experiment

D. Abrams,H. Albataineh,B. S. Aljawrneh,S. Alsalmi,D. Androic,K. Aniol,W. Armstrong,J. Arrington,H. Atac,T. Averett,C. Ayerbe Gayoso,X. Bai,J. Bane,S. Barcus,A. Beck,V. Bellini,H. Bhatt,D. Bhetuwal,D. Biswas,D. Blyth,W. Boeglin,D. Bulumulla, J. Butler,A. Camsonne,M. Carmignotto,J. Castellanos,J. -P. Chen,I. C. Cloët,E. O. Cohen,S. Covrig,K. Craycraft,R. Cruz-Torres,B. Dongwi,B. Duran,D. Dutta,N. Fomin,E. Fuchey,C. Gal,T. N. Gautam,S. Gilad,K. Gnanvo,T. Gogami,J. Gomez,C. Gu,A. Habarakada,T. Hague,J. -O. Hansen,M. Hattawy,F. Hauenstein,D. W. Higinbotham,R. J. Holt,E. W. Hughes,C. Hyde,H. Ibrahim,S. Jian,S. Joosten,A. Karki,B. Karki,A. T. Katramatou,C. Keith,C. Keppel,M. Khachatryan,V. Khachatryan,A. Khanal,A. Kievsky,D. King,P. M. King,I. Korover,S. A. Kulagin,K. S. Kumar,T. Kutz,N. Lashley-Colthirst, S. Li, W. Li, H. Liu,S. Liuti,N. Liyanage,P. Markowitz,R. E. McClellan,D. Meekins,S. Mey-Tal Beck,Z. -E. Meziani,R. Michaels,M. Mihovilovic,V. Nelyubin,D. Nguyen, Nuruzzaman,M. Nycz,R. Obrecht,M. Olson,V. F. Owen,E. Pace,B. Pandey,V. Pandey,M. Paolone,A. Papadopoulou, S. Park,S. Paul,G. G. Petratos,R. Petti,E. Piasetzky,R. Pomatsalyuk,S. Premathilake,A. J. R. Puckett,V. Punjabi,R. D. Ransome,M. N. H. Rashad,P. E. Reimer,S. Riordan,J. Roche,G. Salmè,N. Santiesteban,B. Sawatzky,S. Scopetta, A. Schmidt,B. Schmookler,J. Segal,E. P. Segarra,A. Shahinyan,S. Širca,N. Sparveris,T. Su,R. Suleiman,H. Szumila-Vance,A. S. Tadepalli,L. Tang,W. Tireman,F. Tortorici,G. M. Urciuoli,B. Wojtsekhowski,S. Wood,Z. H. Ye,Z. Y. Ye, J. Zhang


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