Dynamic Evolution of Fibroblasts Revealed by Single-Cell RNA Sequencing of Human Pancreatic Cancer.
Slavica Dimitrieva,Jon M. Harrison,Jonathan Chang,Michelle Piquet,Mari Mino-Kenudson,Millicent Gabriel,Vivek Sagar,Heiko Horn,Kasper Lage, Julie Kim,Gang Li,Shaobu Weng,Cynthia Harris,Anupriya S. Kulkarni,David T. Ting,Motaz Qadan,Peter J. Fagenholz,Cristina R. Ferrone,Angelo L. Grauel,Tyler Laszewski,Alina Raza,Markus Riester, Tim Somerville, Joel P. Wagner,Glenn Dranoff, Jeffrey A. Engelman,Audrey Kauffmann,Rebecca Leary,Andrew L. Warshaw,Keith D. Lillemoe,Carlos Fernandez-del Castillo, David A. Ruddy,Andrew S. Liss,Viviana Cremasco CANCER RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS(2024)
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