1166 Biomarkers of Checkpoint Myocarditis Onset and the Impact of Corticosteroids at Single-Cell Resolution
Steven M Blum,Daniel A Zlotoff,Neal P Smith,Isabela J Kernin,Swetha Ramesh,Leyre Zubiri,Joshua Caplin,Nandini Samanta,Sidney Martin,Mike Wang,Alice Tirard,Yuhui Song,Katherine H Xu,Pritha Sen,Kamil Slowikowski,Jessica Tantivit,Kasidet Manakongtreecheep,Benjamin Y Arnold,John McGuire,Mazen Nasrallah, Chirstopher J Pinto,Daniel McLoughlin,Monica Jackson,Elaina Chan,Aleigha Lawless,William A Michaud,Tatyana Sharova,Linda T Nieman,Justin F Gainor,Dejan Juric,Mari Mino-Kenudson,Ryan J Sullivan,Genevieve M Boland,James R Stone,Molly F Thomas,Tomas G Neilan,Kerry L Reynolds,Alexandra-Chloe Villani Regular and Young Investigator Award Abstracts(2024)
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