Symptom Screening Linked to Care Pathways for Pediatric Patients with Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
L Lee Dupuis,Emily Vettese,Allison C Grimes,Melissa P Beauchemin,Lisa M Klesges,Christina Baggott,Jenna Demedis,Catherine Aftandilian,David R Freyer,Nicole Crellin-Parsons,Etan Orgel, David Dickens, Kara M Kelly,Wade Kyono,Alexandra Walsh, Farha Sherani, Daniel Cannone,Andrea D Orsey,Allison A King,Lolie Yu, Wendy Woods-Swafford,Scott M Bradfield,Michael E Roth,Adam J Esbenshade, Emi H Caywood,Vibhuti Agarwal,Ramamoorthy Nagasubramanian,George A Tomlinson,Lillian Sung JAMA(2024)
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