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Phytochemical Profile by HPLC-MS Analysis and Antidiabetic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Trunk Bark of Lannea Microcarpa Engl. & K. Krause (anacardiaceae) on Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

TRAORE Nintie San Ga Yasmina Valerie Ida,BELEMNABA Lazare,NITIEMA Mathieu,OUEDRAOGO Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian,COMPAORE Souleymane,BELEMLILGA Bonewende Mohamed, BATIONO Remy Kindanloun,KABORE Boukaré, OUEDRAOGO Boris Honoré Amadou, GOUMBRI Wendinmi Bertrand Florent,KOALA Moumouni,OUEDRAOGO Salfo

International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology(2024)

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